Friday, March 13, 2020

Coronavirus 2020

Did you hear there's some virus spreading? Oh you did? 

Yeah I think everyone knows about Covid19. This week we went from me thinking "it's a mild version of the flu" to "ok I'm not worried for me, but I am worried for my immunocompromised sister" to "well let me prep for a couple weeks of either quarantine or lockdown."

Now, I didn't go out and clear shelves. I didn't spend hundreds of dollars on food (about $100 on groceries plus what I already had in my cabinets and freezer). I did, however, half plan out my meals for a while, knowing I'll need to make at least one run to the store per week for online order pick up for milk and fresh fruit, if I can.

So I'm going to blog through this time. If we don't go on lock down or quarantine, awesome! It means my grocery shopping is basically done for 2-3 weeks or more. If we do, well then at least I know I'll be eating something.

Since I'm currently a stay-at-home mom, I cook most meals at home anyway, but likely that will be even more so now. Last night I made spaghetti, meat sauce and garlic bread. I have salad but we chose not to use it for this meal so that will be part of my lunch tomorrow.

This meal fed my son (age almost 2), myself and my husband. I had leftovers for lunch today. It will be leftovers for myself and my son tomorrow, maybe with another serving leftover.

One meal, one jar of sauce, 1 lb hamburger, spaghetti noodles, one loaf of garlic bread = 4-5 adult servings and 2 toddler servings.

I feel like that's a good success!

Tonight we had pizza with my family for my son's early birthday party. The leftovers from that will go with my husband's lunch tomorrow.

Day one of anxiety mom trying not to panic is in the books!

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